For those in the OC who receive the OC Register the new changes trumpeted in this article have taken effect.
The relevance to antique and retro entrepreneurs? This is yet another sign of the times and evidence we are entering an unparalleled world of instant media, community media and specificity. The main point in the article is that due to the tremendous loss of ad revenue, readership, subscriptions, etc. much of the news paper is going on-line to remain relevant.
Note also when perusing the paper the amount of blogs-in fact users are encouraged to start their own OC Register blogs! On page tow they now feature the "best of the blogs" and on virtually every page their are links to blogs and other on-line resources-the point being that they realize that people are now so accustomed to up to the minute reporting that the old newsprint format is simply tired.
The ability to create new and up to date info is as important for shop owners as it is for a newspaper. Society is now inundated with computer devices of all sorts and instant satisfaction is becoming a necessity for virtually all businesses-virtual or those who also have a physical location.
Blogging is not going away and in fact continues to explode as the new medium of expression, community and commerce!
Needless to say we're thrilled with all this validation of the point we're trying to make by bringing shoppersmap up to date and offering a blog portal for our valued customers!