by Sasha Milena
Vintage Cabinet from Ruby Rose in San Luis Obispo
San Louis Obispo is a beautiful town and according to Oprah Winfrey, The Happiest City in the USA. Easy to agree with Oprah after discovering six antique, retro, and vintage malls and shops there. Ruby Rose, Brooks Woodcraft and Antiques, The Antique Center, Antique Boutique, Antiques on Monterey, and SLO Antique Treasures are all just a stones throw away from each other.
Vintage Globes and Boots from Ruby Rose
Stephanie, Ruby, and John from Ruby Rose in San Luis Obispo
We found a variety of arts and crafts, art nuveau, mission, and mid century items in San Luis Obispo. No sooner than George Martines signed his Antique Center up for the map, Omega cinema Props called us while we were still in the shop. We picked up a pair of vintage mid century Isophone Hi-fi speakers for their inventory as a favor.
A Glance into the Past Antiques in San Luis Obispo
Minutes down Highway 101 is Arroyo Grande. This quaint town has a number of fine shops to discover. Be sure and check out A Glance Into the Past where you'll find items ranging from fine antique furniture to vintage toys. Ask to see dealer Larry Turner's Hot wheels room, and his wife's antique children's and Victorian clothing display.
California's Central Coast Landscape
These are only a few of the many stores that will be part of the new California Central Coast Shopper's Map. The new map is expected to be ready in the next few weeks so check back soon and be the first to print the new Shopper's Map.